
"The Grass"

Every minute you spend wishing you had someone else's life is a minute spent wasting yours.



"The Sacrifice"

A wise man once learnt the art of saying "NO"

Today, his to-do list is full of his priorities without any distractions


Learn to sacrifice the unwanted stuff and focus on what matter the most



"The Doubt"

There are times when looking back, is the only way forward..



"The Blame Game"

Playing the blame game is stupid and childish. Even if its someone else's fault, the blame game is a wasted time, effort and energy that takes you somewhere that is not going to take you anywhere.

Its the beauty of the journey that matters most in the end and not the destination..



"The Luck"

what's meant for you will never miss you, and that which misses you was never meant for you.


"The Risk"

The strongest factor for success is self-esteem: Believing you can do it, believing you deserve it and believing you'll get it, because..



"The Wall"

The right people don't go looking for the door,
they walk right through the wall..



"The Bad Days"

It's not always easy, but that's life.
Be strong.
Know there are better days ahead.



"The Silence"

Be silent, when its time to listen
Be silent, in the heat of anger
Be silent, if your words convey the wrong impression
Be silent, if you would be ashamed of your words later
Be silent, if your words will offend a person
Be silent, when you don't have all the facts
Be silent, if your words could damage a friendship
Be silent, when you are feeling critical
Be silent, if you can't say it without screaming

One often regrets his speech,
but never his silence



"The Leap Of Faith"

The moment you're about to quit is the moment
right before the miracle is about to happen

Don't give up.. Take a chance



"The Respect"

 It doesn't matter if the person is

Black / White / Tall / Short / Skinny / Fat / Rich / Poor / Young / Old

respect them IF they respect you..



"The Dream"

Dream Big,

Work Hard,

Stay Focused,

and Surround Yourself

with Good People



"The Wheel"

Prayer is not a matter of changing things externally, but

one of working miracles in a person's inner nature.



"The Smile"

Its better to be the one who smiled than the one who didn't smile back

smile at the elderly; show them the world hasn't changed so much
smile at the children; show them the world isn't all bad
smile at your maids; show them their presence matters
smile at the guy who collects your trash; show him that he has a friend in you
smile at your neighbors; because those are your first relatives in the times of need
smile at you watchman; show him that you know that he works hard too
smile at a stranger; he might just need it
smile at your ex; for giving you those wonderful memories
smile at your colleagues; show them that you understand what they go through
smile at your boss; show them that you understand how difficult their shoes can be
smile at yourself; you deserve it
and most importantly, smile at God; show him what you've done

Use your smile to change the world, don't let the world change your smile



"The Choice"

Its not our job to play judge and jury to determine who is worthy of our kindness and who isn't.
We just need to be kind unconditionally, especially when we'd prefer not to..


#thechoice #attitude #happiness
#optimism #kindness #giving
#respect #choicesmakeyou #choosewisely
#job #judge #jury
#worthy #kindness #kind
#unconditionally #preference #conditional
#quotes #t2m2 #9


"The Plan"

Don't try to understand everything.
Sometimes it is not meant to be understood,
just accepted

#theplan #sometimes #breathe
#trust #letgo #ithappens
#understand #everything #accept
#quotes #t2m2 #9


"The Moment"

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it
The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but the one who conquers his fear


#themoment #strength #keepgoing
#courage #fear #triumph
#bravemen #feel #afraid
#conquer #shipwreck #sea
#quotes #t2m2 #9


"The Birthday Gift"

There are only two great days in a person's life -
the day we are born, and
the day we discover why..

"think twice; be nice"

#thebirthdaygift #treat #everyone
#person #birthday #today
#born #purpose #discover
#quotes #t2m2 #9


"The Problem"

Don't ever let your ego destroy your relationship with
your friends or family.

Apologizing might be hard to do
especially when you know that you are reasonable, but
it is worth a shot if it can save the relationship.


#theproblem #solved #important
#person #love #ego
#destroy #relationship #friends
#family #anyone #apologize
#reasonable #shot #save
#quotes #t2m2 #9


"The Artist"

We aren't all great, but we are artists in our own ways..

While standing on a field;
a farmer will notice the crops,
a geologist the fossils,
a botanist the flowers, and
a painter the colors.

Though we may all look at the same things, the artist chooses his own..


#theartist #art #greatinourownways
#field #flower #crops
#geologist #fossil #botanist
#flowers #painter #colors
#t2m2 #quotes #9


"The Door"

Be Happy. Be Yourself.

If others don't like it, then let them be.
Happiness is a choice.
Life isn't about pleasing everybody else,
but yourself..



"The Effort"

A positive attitude is
asking how something can be done
rather than saying
it can't be done..



"The Prayer"

it's just when the caterpillar thought the world was over,
it became a butterfly..



"The Blindfolded"

Don't be blindfolded and fall for the deception of love
Happiness we seek is within and not outside

Being a "lunch time hobby" we try to post as often as we can